Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Internet Safety

The fourth article I chose to read was called Mixed Signals: Hows your media diet-healthful or harmful? from the New Era, June 2001. This article had a lot of great counsel from apostles, prophets, and members of the seventy. My favorite piece of advice about if you should know if you should watch, play, or listen to something is to follow Gordon B. Hinkleys cousnel on the 6 B's. We should be smart, be grateful, be clean, be true, be humble, and be prayerful. If we follow these we will know what we should and shouldn't watch. I also really liked the analogy Joseph B Wirthlin gave that we don't go digging around in the garbage for food to put in our mouths so we should take the same care of not hearing or seeing trash as well.

Some of the most important things I learned from these articles is first that we are in control and can control what we look at and see. If something comes on the screen or tv or radio that we no we shouldn't hear or see then we can simply turn it off. They all have on and off buttons. As it pertains to our future families, we as parents, need to be examples to our children, be informed, know how to use safety and parent blocks on computers and the tv., and finally keep the tv. and computer is a public place where you can see the screen.

What I have read will influence me as a parent and teacher by it made me more aware of the dangers out there in the media. I want to become as knowleagable in technology as I can so I will know what is ok to use and view and what isn't. As a futur parent I want to make sure that I set a good example for my children and also discuss the possible dangers that could be out there as well as thinks that can just impact us negatively like R movies. I will explain to them why I won't let them watch or hear some songs, videos, or shows. I want to also show them how the media can be used for good and how they can use it.

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