Tuesday, January 20, 2009

IPandT 301 Quiz 2 Questions

1. The ability to apply culturally approved problem solving methods is?
A. Fulid Intelligence
B. Emotional Intelliegence
C. Crystalized Intelligence
D. Automaticity

2. What type of knowledge is more likely to be learned during everyday life than through formal schooling?
A. Practical Knowledge
B. Tactic Knowledge
C. Learned Knowledge
D. Insight

3. What are behavioral objectives?
A. Intended learning outcomes.
B. Objectives ought to describe what students will be doing when demonstrating their achievement ahd how teachers will know they are doing it.
C. Instructional objectives stated in terms of higher-level thinking operations
D. As a group, teachers develop, test, improve, and retest lessons until they are satisfied with the final version.

Answers: 1:C 2:B 3:B

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