Tuesday, February 24, 2009

IPT 301 Quiz Questions

1. Motivation is an external state the arouses, directs, and maintains behavior.
2. Getting 50 dollars for getting an A in the class is an extrinsic motivation.
3. The promise of an A in this class is an incentive to us.
4. If a student does well in the class their anxiety may increase.
5. Task involved learners aren't worried about how their performance measures up compared to other in their class.

1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T

Monday, February 23, 2009

IPT 287 TPACK Questions


The content I will be using in my lesson is that they can identify the major physical features of the regions where ancient civilizations flourished.  I'm going to teach them about Mayan, Aztec, Greek, and Rome ancient civilizations.

The pedagogy I will be using is I will introduce these ancient civilizations to them and teach them a little about each civilization.  We will talk about the environments they lived in and how the environments they lived in would affect how they live and what their culture would be like.  This would fit into the content by the content they are learning is the major physical features of the regions where ancient civilizations flourished.  I will use direct teaching instruction to teach them the basics and then do a lesson on guided learning where they will do the assignment of looking at the pictures using google earth.

The technology I will be using is google earth.  Students will not only get to explore and see where each civilization lived, but also look at structures they built through wikipedia and pictures.  They will use these pictures to compare and contrast the different types of architexture that existed in each culture.  This ties into the content and pedagogy by they are learning about different ancient cultures through google earth.

IPT 301 In Class Teaching Reflection

Alesha Abrahamson
In Class Teaching Reflection
IP&T 301
Overall I think Hailey Packs and my teaching experience went pretty well. The entire time we were teaching I was worried about the time and leaving enough time for the other group to present. One of the strengths from our lesson was that we were well prepared and organized. We had made a graphic organizer worksheet for the class to use as we were teaching, we had a power point with the definitions and key quotes or ideas we wanted to make sure we talked about, and we each had an outline with who was teaching what and what was to be taught.
One of the weaknesses from my teaching experience was it don’t think I fully understood the difference between anchored learning and problem based learning so I wasn’t able to explain it very well to the class. Many of them were confused by the difference between the two. I think showing the Jasper Video helped some, but still left others unsure. I had to answer a few questions about anchored learning and I wasn’t sure if I was answering them correctly.
If I could go back and do it again I would make sure we planned more before teaching about how anchored learning and problem based learning are different. I would have liked to have made a chart that shows the similarities and differences between the two. This might have helped everyone understand it better. I also would have changed the assessment at the end. It might have been better for the students to play the games in groups instead of a whole class and to put the words on color not white paper, so they can’t see through it.
In my teaching I tried to incorporate into my teaching the knowledge that not all students learn the same way. Some like visuals, like the PowerPoint, where other do fine from simply be told, others need examples like the Jasper video or games we played, and finally some like to work in groups to learn best so some of the activities we did involved working in groups.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Virtual Tour Plan

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1. Athena Nike Temple, Athen, GreeceSearch the article for different types of architecture components.  Wikepedia Article
2.Colosseum, Rome, ItalyTake notes of the different types of structures you see on the Colosseum.3 photos of the Colosseum
3.Yucatan Peninsula Mayan Ruins, MexicoClick on the Becan Photo and draw a sketch of one of the ruins shown on here.Becan Photo
4.Aztec Ruins National Monument, MexicoLook at the picture of the Aztec Ruins National Monument and write down different structures and architecture styles you see.Pictures of Aztec Ruins National Monument
Details of image overlay / path / polygon: Image Path starting with number one and going to number 4.

I am doing Social Studies 6th grade. Standard 1: Objective 1: Indicator A: Identify the major physical features of the regions where ancient civilizations flourish.

My overall goal is for them to compare and contrast different types of architecture among these different civilizations.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

IPT 301 Quiz Questions

1. You figure out a problem from the context of a story and is based from a complex situation or problem.
2. Mehtods that provide students with realistic problems that don't have to have a right answer.
3. Comparing and Contrasting a problem or situation is an example of this.
4. Students are presented with a puzzling situation and solve the problem by gathering data and testing their conclusions.
5. A less experienced learner gains new knolwedge and skills by learning from and being trained by an expert.

A. Cognitive Apprenticeship
B. Inquiry Learning
C. Anchored Instruction
D. Problem Based Learning
E. Critical Thinking

Answers: 1:C 2:D 3:E 4:B 5:A

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

IPT301 Quiz Answers

1:B 2:D 3:A 4:E 5:C

IPT301 Quiz Questions

2.Cultural Tools
4.Private Speech

A.actions a person carries out by thinking them through instead of literally performing the actions
B. orderly, adaptive changes we go through from conception to death
C.assuming that others experience the world the way you do
D.the real tools and symbol systems that allow people in a society to communicate, think, and solve problems
E. childrens self talk

Embedded Trying On Clothes

Tryin' On Clothes by Shel Silverstein interpreted by Alesha Abrahamson, Christina Murray, and Jen Ray.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

TPACK for Digital Story

What is the content you will be using in your lesson?

The content we used for our storyboard is from the Utah State Core in Language Arts for fouth graders. The first one was Objective 2: Develop language through viewing media and presenting. The second one was Objective 6: Write in different forms and genres. They will make a digital story using a one type of Genre for the story. For example in my example story I used a poem.

What is the pedagogy you will be using and why is it a good fit with content?

For this lesson I will be using collaborative learning where the students will get to work in groups and select a genre of literature they want to use for their digital stories. I'm also using collaborative learning to combine two different learning objectives for this lesson. They will reading and writing in a digital story and then will show they know about a specific genre of literature by using it in their digital story. It fits in with the content becasue I will teach them the content through collaborative learning.

What is the technology you will be using?

The technology I will be using is the students will be making a digital story. The technology in this will include the digital story software and could also include using a digital camera, Ipod to get music, and so on. It fits in with the content by one of the contents require them to develop language through viewing media and presenting. They have to make and then present their digital stories which will include language written as well as spoken. It goes with my pedagogy of using collaborative learning where the students will have to work together to make their digital stories.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Storyboard and Pictures

Answering 3 Questions using TPACK

What is the content you'll be using in your lesson?

The content I will be using in my lesson is from the Utah State Core Standards for fourth grade. It is in Standard 5 Objective 2: Describe the common plants and animals found in Utah environments and how these organisms have adapted to the environment in which they live.

What is the pedagogy you'll be using and why is it a good fit with content?

The pedagody I will be using is to teach them thru letting them experiment with what animals and plants live in the different Utah environments. Then as a class we will talk about the different environments and what lives there. Then the students will work together to create a bubble chart with the different environments and what lives in each. I chose this pedagogy because many students learn in different ways and I wanted to make sure I covered a few of them while teaching so students had multiple opportunities to learn.

What is the technology you'll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy?

The technology I chose was allowing the students to use Kidspiration to create concept maps, place animals and plants in different enivornments, and then write why certain animals belong in certain environments. This fit exactly with the content of the lesson of students learning about different plants and animals in the different environments in Utah. It also went along with my pedagogy of students working by themselves with pictures for those who are visual and also getting to work in group to use words and pictures to create a concept map or bubble chart.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Quiz Questions for IP and T 301

1. A child is learning a new behavior and they are reinforced for every correct response. What type of schedule is this.
A. ratio schedule
B. continuous reinforcement schedule
C. interval schedule
D. intermittent reinforcement schedule

2. If a teacher blows a whistle right before recess is to end and to remind the students to walk to line, the teacher just provided a ____ for the students?
A. prompt
B. stimulus control
C. cue
D. extinction

3. When a teacher deals effectively with a rul breaker, the iedea of breaking this rule may be inhibited for the other students watching this. This is an example of?
A. ripple effect
B. modeling
C. self-management
D. self-efficacy

Answers 1:B 2:C 3:A