Tuesday, February 10, 2009

TPACK for Digital Story

What is the content you will be using in your lesson?

The content we used for our storyboard is from the Utah State Core in Language Arts for fouth graders. The first one was Objective 2: Develop language through viewing media and presenting. The second one was Objective 6: Write in different forms and genres. They will make a digital story using a one type of Genre for the story. For example in my example story I used a poem.

What is the pedagogy you will be using and why is it a good fit with content?

For this lesson I will be using collaborative learning where the students will get to work in groups and select a genre of literature they want to use for their digital stories. I'm also using collaborative learning to combine two different learning objectives for this lesson. They will reading and writing in a digital story and then will show they know about a specific genre of literature by using it in their digital story. It fits in with the content becasue I will teach them the content through collaborative learning.

What is the technology you will be using?

The technology I will be using is the students will be making a digital story. The technology in this will include the digital story software and could also include using a digital camera, Ipod to get music, and so on. It fits in with the content by one of the contents require them to develop language through viewing media and presenting. They have to make and then present their digital stories which will include language written as well as spoken. It goes with my pedagogy of using collaborative learning where the students will have to work together to make their digital stories.

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