Monday, April 13, 2009

Redo for 3rd Reflection for IPT 301

The lesson I observed was an interactive writing lesson. The lesson objective was for the students as a class to come up with a topic and sentence to write. It had to be something they all experienced together. Her strategy for teaching it was to do a guided learning lesson. It was supposed to be a review of what they had learned all year about writing sentences. She didn’t give them the topic to write on, but let them discuss among themselves what they would like to write on. As a class they decided they should pick three or four topics and then vote on which one to teach. During this part she simply asked questions to help get them thinking and would stand by students who were following the rule of five and contributing to the discussion. She was running a democratic classroom where she let the students be involved in their learning and actively participate in the lesson.

Once the students had picked a topic and decided on a sentence she stepped in to call on students to come up and write a word in the sentence. She helps the students remember the sentence they decided on, but won’t tell them what word they are supposed to write. She didn’t remind the first student that he should write the date. The student simply went up and did it first. Once the entire sentence was written she asked the students if it was all correct or did things need to be fixed. She once again didn’t tell them what needed to be fixed, but let them first say what they saw needed to be fixed, and let them come up a fix it. If they missed something then she would ask questions that guided them to it. After the sentence was correctly written students read the sentence out loud together.

All most all of the students were actively engaged in the lesson. The few who weren’t started participating would start participating when Mrs. McTeer came and stood by them, or called on them to come write a word. They seemed to enjoy coming up with the sentence and all followed the rule of five and raised their hands to speak. They had a ball to toss to the student speaking and only the student holding the ball could speak. Everyone followed this rule, although some impatiently waved their arms in the air for the student speaking to toss them the ball.

Principles of learning were effectively administered. Mrs. McTeer stated the lesson objective to the students before they began on the lesson. All students followed the behavior expectations that were set forth at the beginning of the lesson. She knew they would learn better by being able to participate so she planned her lesson around letting as many of them participate as possible. Finally she guided them through the lesson without them really even knowing it. Everything she wanted done in this lesson was accomplished.

The principles of teaching I noticed in this lesson were effectively administered. Some of the principles I noticed that she used well were first proximity to the students, withitness, and group alerting. The second two principles come from Kounins principles of teaching. When students weren’t participating or being a distraction to others, she would stand near them and let them know that she was there. This usually got most students to stop what they were doing and to pay attention. This was a guided learning lesson so she wasn’t doing all the teaching, but she was still attentive to how when the students needed help and how to guide them. She was also alert of the entire class and what they were doing during the lesson. If they were struggling she knew to ask them guiding questions or it they were distracting others she would come stand near to them, while still paying attention to the student who was writing.

The way she teaching as compared to my teaching is she does a lot of guided learning or discovery learning lessons, where I’m still do a lot of direct lessons. You can tell when she teaches that she is a lot more confident in what she is doing and knowing the information she is teaching to the students. Even though she knows the answers to most questions, she won’t automatically give the student the answer, instead she will post questions to help them think or ask other students if they can help answer the question. I sometimes will try to have other students answer the questions, but also do more me answering it instead of letting the students critically think about it.

Sharing Internet Safety with a Parent

For this assignment I talked with my mom about her knowledge of internet safety and what she still didn't know. My mom is around middle age. I shared with her the benefits of using the interent and also about ways to help keep children safe when they are using the internet. I shared the article I read from the New Era called Mixed Signals: Hows your media diet-healthful or harmful?. It had a lot of great advice from Church Leaders about what we need to be careful with when using media and why. She really liked this because it was from General Authorities. Before when I was mentioning things she could do when the grandkids are over on the internet she said they knew what they should and shouldn't look at and she didn't need to do things like set up blockers or put the computer in the living room instead of in one of the bedrooms. After reading this article she was more convinced that doing these prevetive things was important. I think the entire thing turned out to be valuable for her as well as me. I learned more about internet safety and her and I even did some further research to discover more ways protect your computer from getting viruses and getting spam email.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ideas from Class Presetations

Two ideas I learned on how to integrate technology into the classroom is first using a smart board where you put a story on it. You can then do a shared reading with the story where all students will have access to the information. Also with the smart board you can highlight important words like words students are working on that week. The other technology integration I got was having students use clickers to assess how they are doing on an assignment or to pre assess what they all know and be able to make graphs of what people vote on. Then you can discuss problems with the class that some are having problems on.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Internet Safety

The fourth article I chose to read was called Mixed Signals: Hows your media diet-healthful or harmful? from the New Era, June 2001. This article had a lot of great counsel from apostles, prophets, and members of the seventy. My favorite piece of advice about if you should know if you should watch, play, or listen to something is to follow Gordon B. Hinkleys cousnel on the 6 B's. We should be smart, be grateful, be clean, be true, be humble, and be prayerful. If we follow these we will know what we should and shouldn't watch. I also really liked the analogy Joseph B Wirthlin gave that we don't go digging around in the garbage for food to put in our mouths so we should take the same care of not hearing or seeing trash as well.

Some of the most important things I learned from these articles is first that we are in control and can control what we look at and see. If something comes on the screen or tv or radio that we no we shouldn't hear or see then we can simply turn it off. They all have on and off buttons. As it pertains to our future families, we as parents, need to be examples to our children, be informed, know how to use safety and parent blocks on computers and the tv., and finally keep the tv. and computer is a public place where you can see the screen.

What I have read will influence me as a parent and teacher by it made me more aware of the dangers out there in the media. I want to become as knowleagable in technology as I can so I will know what is ok to use and view and what isn't. As a futur parent I want to make sure that I set a good example for my children and also discuss the possible dangers that could be out there as well as thinks that can just impact us negatively like R movies. I will explain to them why I won't let them watch or hear some songs, videos, or shows. I want to also show them how the media can be used for good and how they can use it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


1. A ___________ ___________ is whent a person faces a conflict with a postive alternative or a potentially unhealthy alternative.

2. Many children today live in _______________ families where half siblings and step siblings can move in and out of their lives.

3. Classroom rules that students have to follow like no running in the hall way are ________ _________.

Anwers: 1:developmental crisis 2: blended 3. social conventions

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My technology lesson

I plan to teach my lesson that has technology this thursday and it will be a science lesson on plants. I will be teaching the students how plants change through each of the four seasons. I will be using a powerpoint to show pictures of how specific plants change in each of the four seasons. I will begin the lesson reminding them of the life cycle of a plant and then reading a story about a seed and how it changes in each season starting with spring. On the board we will make a list of things plants do in each season. For example in spring people start planting gardens and flowers. After we talk about what happens in each season I will show a powerpoint show of how plants like a rose or an apple tree look in each season. We will talk about what characteristics are happening and what we see. I think actually looking at pictures will help the children understand what is happening better and hopefully they will remember it better.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

IPT 301 Third Reflection

The lesson I observed was an interactive writing lesson. The lesson objective was for the students as a class to come up with a topic and sentence to write. It had to be something they all experienced together. Her strategy for teaching it was to do a guided learning lesson. It was supposed to be a review of what they had learned all year about writing sentences. She didn’t give them the topic to write on, but let them discuss among themselves what they would like to write on. As a class they decided they should pick three or four topics and then vote on which one to teach. During this part she simply asked questions to help get them thinking and would stand by students who were following the rule of five and contributing to the discussion. She was running a democratic classroom where she let the students be involved in their learning and actively participate in the lesson.

Once the students had picked a topic and decided on a sentence she stepped in to call on students to come up and write a word in the sentence. She helps the students remember the sentence they decided on, but won’t tell them what word they are supposed to write. She didn’t remind the first student that he should write the date. The student simply went up and did it first. Once the entire sentence was written she asked the students if it was all correct or did things need to be fixed. She once again didn’t tell them what needed to be fixed, but let them first say what they saw needed to be fixed, and let them come up a fix it. If they missed something then she would ask questions that guided them to it. After the sentence was correctly written students read the sentence out loud together.

All most all of the students were actively engaged in the lesson. The few who weren’t started participating would start participating when Mrs. McTeer came and stood by them, or called on them to come write a word. They seemed to enjoy coming up with the sentence and all followed the rule of five and raised their hands to speak. They had a ball to toss to the student speaking and only the student holding the ball could speak. Everyone followed this rule, although some impatiently waved their arms in the air for the student speaking to toss them the ball.

Principles of learning were effectively administered. Mrs. McTeer stated the lesson objective to the students before they began on the lesson. All students followed the behavior expectations that were set forth at the beginning of the lesson. She knew they would learn better by being able to participate so she planned her lesson around letting as many of them participate as possible. Finally she guided them through the lesson without them really even knowing it. Everything she wanted done in this lesson was accomplished.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Technology Enhanced Lesson Idea

One lesson I am going to technology enhance is I'm going to do present a power point with pictures of how plants change through the seasons. I'm using this technology because there is a laptop computer in the classroom I can use as well as projector for the second grade. This way students could see through real pictures how plants change through the seasons.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Classroom Technology Inventory

While doing the classroom technology inventory I discovered there isn't a lot of technology available in the classroom to the students or the teacher.  In the classroom there is only one computer and it is only for the teacher to use.  Students only get to use computers 1/3 of the year when they have computer class for their speciality.  Right now my class is in computers so they get to use computers every day for half an hour.  

Inside the classroom the only technology the teacher and students can use is an overhead projector, a tv, a cd player, and a digital camera.  Mrs. McTeer told me that if you want to use any other technologies you usually have to go to the district office to rent them out.  The computer lab does have portable dvd burners and I scanner, but nothing else that can be taken out of there.  It is  hard to get time to use the computer lab, outside of the classes computer class, because all other classes in the school also have scheduled time each day for computers.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

IPT 301 Quiz Questions

1. Motivation is an external state the arouses, directs, and maintains behavior.
2. Getting 50 dollars for getting an A in the class is an extrinsic motivation.
3. The promise of an A in this class is an incentive to us.
4. If a student does well in the class their anxiety may increase.
5. Task involved learners aren't worried about how their performance measures up compared to other in their class.

1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T

Monday, February 23, 2009

IPT 287 TPACK Questions


The content I will be using in my lesson is that they can identify the major physical features of the regions where ancient civilizations flourished.  I'm going to teach them about Mayan, Aztec, Greek, and Rome ancient civilizations.

The pedagogy I will be using is I will introduce these ancient civilizations to them and teach them a little about each civilization.  We will talk about the environments they lived in and how the environments they lived in would affect how they live and what their culture would be like.  This would fit into the content by the content they are learning is the major physical features of the regions where ancient civilizations flourished.  I will use direct teaching instruction to teach them the basics and then do a lesson on guided learning where they will do the assignment of looking at the pictures using google earth.

The technology I will be using is google earth.  Students will not only get to explore and see where each civilization lived, but also look at structures they built through wikipedia and pictures.  They will use these pictures to compare and contrast the different types of architexture that existed in each culture.  This ties into the content and pedagogy by they are learning about different ancient cultures through google earth.

IPT 301 In Class Teaching Reflection

Alesha Abrahamson
In Class Teaching Reflection
IP&T 301
Overall I think Hailey Packs and my teaching experience went pretty well. The entire time we were teaching I was worried about the time and leaving enough time for the other group to present. One of the strengths from our lesson was that we were well prepared and organized. We had made a graphic organizer worksheet for the class to use as we were teaching, we had a power point with the definitions and key quotes or ideas we wanted to make sure we talked about, and we each had an outline with who was teaching what and what was to be taught.
One of the weaknesses from my teaching experience was it don’t think I fully understood the difference between anchored learning and problem based learning so I wasn’t able to explain it very well to the class. Many of them were confused by the difference between the two. I think showing the Jasper Video helped some, but still left others unsure. I had to answer a few questions about anchored learning and I wasn’t sure if I was answering them correctly.
If I could go back and do it again I would make sure we planned more before teaching about how anchored learning and problem based learning are different. I would have liked to have made a chart that shows the similarities and differences between the two. This might have helped everyone understand it better. I also would have changed the assessment at the end. It might have been better for the students to play the games in groups instead of a whole class and to put the words on color not white paper, so they can’t see through it.
In my teaching I tried to incorporate into my teaching the knowledge that not all students learn the same way. Some like visuals, like the PowerPoint, where other do fine from simply be told, others need examples like the Jasper video or games we played, and finally some like to work in groups to learn best so some of the activities we did involved working in groups.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Virtual Tour Plan

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1. Athena Nike Temple, Athen, GreeceSearch the article for different types of architecture components.  Wikepedia Article
2.Colosseum, Rome, ItalyTake notes of the different types of structures you see on the Colosseum.3 photos of the Colosseum
3.Yucatan Peninsula Mayan Ruins, MexicoClick on the Becan Photo and draw a sketch of one of the ruins shown on here.Becan Photo
4.Aztec Ruins National Monument, MexicoLook at the picture of the Aztec Ruins National Monument and write down different structures and architecture styles you see.Pictures of Aztec Ruins National Monument
Details of image overlay / path / polygon: Image Path starting with number one and going to number 4.

I am doing Social Studies 6th grade. Standard 1: Objective 1: Indicator A: Identify the major physical features of the regions where ancient civilizations flourish.

My overall goal is for them to compare and contrast different types of architecture among these different civilizations.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

IPT 301 Quiz Questions

1. You figure out a problem from the context of a story and is based from a complex situation or problem.
2. Mehtods that provide students with realistic problems that don't have to have a right answer.
3. Comparing and Contrasting a problem or situation is an example of this.
4. Students are presented with a puzzling situation and solve the problem by gathering data and testing their conclusions.
5. A less experienced learner gains new knolwedge and skills by learning from and being trained by an expert.

A. Cognitive Apprenticeship
B. Inquiry Learning
C. Anchored Instruction
D. Problem Based Learning
E. Critical Thinking

Answers: 1:C 2:D 3:E 4:B 5:A

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

IPT301 Quiz Answers

1:B 2:D 3:A 4:E 5:C

IPT301 Quiz Questions

2.Cultural Tools
4.Private Speech

A.actions a person carries out by thinking them through instead of literally performing the actions
B. orderly, adaptive changes we go through from conception to death
C.assuming that others experience the world the way you do
D.the real tools and symbol systems that allow people in a society to communicate, think, and solve problems
E. childrens self talk

Embedded Trying On Clothes

Tryin' On Clothes by Shel Silverstein interpreted by Alesha Abrahamson, Christina Murray, and Jen Ray.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

TPACK for Digital Story

What is the content you will be using in your lesson?

The content we used for our storyboard is from the Utah State Core in Language Arts for fouth graders. The first one was Objective 2: Develop language through viewing media and presenting. The second one was Objective 6: Write in different forms and genres. They will make a digital story using a one type of Genre for the story. For example in my example story I used a poem.

What is the pedagogy you will be using and why is it a good fit with content?

For this lesson I will be using collaborative learning where the students will get to work in groups and select a genre of literature they want to use for their digital stories. I'm also using collaborative learning to combine two different learning objectives for this lesson. They will reading and writing in a digital story and then will show they know about a specific genre of literature by using it in their digital story. It fits in with the content becasue I will teach them the content through collaborative learning.

What is the technology you will be using?

The technology I will be using is the students will be making a digital story. The technology in this will include the digital story software and could also include using a digital camera, Ipod to get music, and so on. It fits in with the content by one of the contents require them to develop language through viewing media and presenting. They have to make and then present their digital stories which will include language written as well as spoken. It goes with my pedagogy of using collaborative learning where the students will have to work together to make their digital stories.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Storyboard and Pictures

Answering 3 Questions using TPACK

What is the content you'll be using in your lesson?

The content I will be using in my lesson is from the Utah State Core Standards for fourth grade. It is in Standard 5 Objective 2: Describe the common plants and animals found in Utah environments and how these organisms have adapted to the environment in which they live.

What is the pedagogy you'll be using and why is it a good fit with content?

The pedagody I will be using is to teach them thru letting them experiment with what animals and plants live in the different Utah environments. Then as a class we will talk about the different environments and what lives there. Then the students will work together to create a bubble chart with the different environments and what lives in each. I chose this pedagogy because many students learn in different ways and I wanted to make sure I covered a few of them while teaching so students had multiple opportunities to learn.

What is the technology you'll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy?

The technology I chose was allowing the students to use Kidspiration to create concept maps, place animals and plants in different enivornments, and then write why certain animals belong in certain environments. This fit exactly with the content of the lesson of students learning about different plants and animals in the different environments in Utah. It also went along with my pedagogy of students working by themselves with pictures for those who are visual and also getting to work in group to use words and pictures to create a concept map or bubble chart.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Quiz Questions for IP and T 301

1. A child is learning a new behavior and they are reinforced for every correct response. What type of schedule is this.
A. ratio schedule
B. continuous reinforcement schedule
C. interval schedule
D. intermittent reinforcement schedule

2. If a teacher blows a whistle right before recess is to end and to remind the students to walk to line, the teacher just provided a ____ for the students?
A. prompt
B. stimulus control
C. cue
D. extinction

3. When a teacher deals effectively with a rul breaker, the iedea of breaking this rule may be inhibited for the other students watching this. This is an example of?
A. ripple effect
B. modeling
C. self-management
D. self-efficacy

Answers 1:B 2:C 3:A

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tech Savvy Teacher

Tech Savvy Teacher

An effective teacher knows how to use the resources surrounding him or her. Technology is one of the greatest tools a teacher can use as it is constantly growing providing new opportunities. It is a way to reach all students in new and creative ways and provides hands on experiences to help master the subject. An example of this technology is using Kidspiration. We chose 4th grade standard 5 objective 2: Describe the common plants and animals found in Utah environments and how these organisms have adapted to the environment in which they live.
Our first step in this process was to identify common plants and animals found in different habitats in Utah. These habitats were wetlands, forests, and deserts. We use an activity on Kidspiration where students selected animals and plants and had to put them in the correlating habitat. This allowed them to brainstorm different possible environments familiar animals live in. Then next task was to create their own web of plants and animals found in the three habitatsin Utah.

After completing the brainstorm activity of the different characteristics. The teacher does a mini lesson where she or he talks about the different habitats and what lives in each. To assess the students learning we have them go back to the Kidspiration and have them write specific animals characteristics that allow particular plants and animals to live in specific environments.This technology helped students predict and classify different plants and animals into specific environments found in Utah. Kidspiration allowed students to participate using their hands and acts as a visual representation of what they are studying.

Angie Jack, Christina Murray, and Alesha Abrahamson

This is a picture of the habitat where children added different plants to each habitat.

This is the picture of children adding different animals to each habitat.

Students then create a bubble chart with the different habitats found in Utah.

Then the children put different animals, plants, and types of weather that go with each habitat.  They find pictures of each to put with the different habitats.

The assessment for this activity is having the children write why certain animals belong in specific habitats.  For example a duck can live in the wet lands because they have webbed feet.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Technology I Explored

One technology I explored in class today was using a digital microscope that can plug into the computer. By plugging it into the computer the image on the microscope now appears on the computer. Once the image was on the screen you could use the computer to take pictures of it and record video footage of it.


TPACK stands for technological pedagogical and content knowledge. It is basically using technology to use and help support content in specific areas using pedagogical methods and strategies to teach it. Teachers can teach with just certain parts of like technological and content or with just content. It is best for a teacher to use TPACK when teaching though. It is important for teachers to have this knowledge because teachers can then analyze how they teach and use this knowledge to help fix and adjust their teaching styles. For teachers it is important to be able to have content knowledge on what they are teaching and they also need to have pedagogical knowledge of how to best teach to their students. Finally if a teacher can use technology to help support these other two types of knowledges then the children might become more interested in what they are learning and most technologys will help make teaching easi

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

IPandT 301 Quiz 2 Questions

1. The ability to apply culturally approved problem solving methods is?
A. Fulid Intelligence
B. Emotional Intelliegence
C. Crystalized Intelligence
D. Automaticity

2. What type of knowledge is more likely to be learned during everyday life than through formal schooling?
A. Practical Knowledge
B. Tactic Knowledge
C. Learned Knowledge
D. Insight

3. What are behavioral objectives?
A. Intended learning outcomes.
B. Objectives ought to describe what students will be doing when demonstrating their achievement ahd how teachers will know they are doing it.
C. Instructional objectives stated in terms of higher-level thinking operations
D. As a group, teachers develop, test, improve, and retest lessons until they are satisfied with the final version.

Answers: 1:C 2:B 3:B

Thursday, January 15, 2009

IP and T 301 First Reflection

Learning to Make Calzones
For my task I chose to make Calzones. A calzone is basically a stuffed pizza, but the toppings are in the inside and the pizza dough or crust is on the outside. I was trying to learn to make Calzones from scratch. This included making my own pizza crust dough, my own sauce, and then preparing and cutting the toppings I was going to put in it.
In my family we all love eating Calzones. I had never made them before, but saw my mom make them. Since I loved them so much I decided it was time I learned. I first called my mom and got the recipe from her. She explained it to me in detail and gave me some tips on how to roll out the dough and how the sauce should be made more to my individual taste than following the recipe. I then went shopping for all the ingredients I would need. I decided to make my first calzones Sunday for myself and a few friends. I thought I would be able to make them from following the recipe and then calling my mom if I needed additional help.
I spent most of Sunday afternoon making the dough and letting it rise. Once the dough had risen enough, I made the sauce and started cooking it. I then prepared the pineapple, ham, sausage, cheese, and olives that would go inside the calzone. Now I started rolling out the dough. I called my mom to get advice on this and she said this would be the tricky part. You didn’t want to use too much flour, and you had to roll the dough pretty thin, but not to thin that it would rip when you folded them. I struggled with rolling out the dough and had to practice it a few times before I got a calzone that I thought would work.
Basically my first attempt at making calzones failed. I didn’t make the dough right or didn’t roll it out enough because the calzones were really puffy and were not able to cook fully. Since there was so much dough, the tops and bottoms were burnt, but the insides were still doughy. My friends said the sauce and ingredients inside tasted well. I needed to work on the dough though. I was glad that the sauce turned out well, but very disappointed that the dough or crust hadn’t turned out. Since the crust wasn’t good it kind of ruined the whole calzone. I felt like I had wasted my time and money on this dinner because it was ruined in the end. I was about to give up here when I decided to try making them one more time.
After one failed attempt, I called my great aunt who lives nearby and asked her to show me how to make them. She is the one who taught my mom to make them. I knew that I needed someone to walk me through how to make them if I was going to learn to make them successfully. On Tuesday night she came over to my apartment and helped me make the dough this time and roll out the dough. This time the calzones turned out really well. Not only did I learn that I was using too much flour and I needed to roll my dough thinner, but that my oven cooks things to fast and needed to be turned down.
I discovered that I learn best when I have someone there to show me first and then I can practice with them before doing it on my own. I was so confident at first that I could make them from simply reading the recipe and then was proven wrong. I think I had become to overconfident in myself and that I wouldn’t need help. Finally when I realized that I have always learned best by being shown first, I called my aunt to show me how to make them. Once I was shown how to do it, I was able to do it on my own.
I think it would have been most helpful to my style of learning to have had someone demonstrate first and then let me try. I should have at least had someone there to help me in case I did mess up or make sure I was doing it correctly.

Web 2.0 and RSS

I learned that RSS is a tool is a family of web feed formats that are used to update you on certain sites about what is happening on that site and the newest news or updates on that cite. As a future teacher I can use RSS to give me update on educational websites like NASA or even my GoodReads account. I learned that their are many different kinds of Web 2.0 tools out there that can be used. The ones we learned to use in class are delicious and goodreads. Web 2.0 tools can save a future teacher a lot of time and energy. I can have all websites that I find important in my delicious account and can access them all easily from there.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Technology Background

I do not have a lot of technology background.  I guess I have the basic background that you are taught in high school and college.  I know how to use the internet and many features of Web 2.0, many features of Microsoft like Word, Excel, and Powerpoint, I also know how to use adobe, and many other basic features of a computer like itunes, watching movies on the computer, and editing and adding photos to my computer.  I am hoping I will be able to learn more about computer technology in this class.